Patterns and Colored Clay: a nerikomi and neriage workshop w/Julia Van Hoogstraten and Tiana Tucker
Unavailable $225.00
This is an intro workshop for anyone wanting to learn how to make nerikomi and neriage work with step-by-step instruction from two amazing teachers.
10am-1pm: Julia Van Hoogstraten will lead the morning portion of this workshop with a little slide show on nerikomi. Participants will learn how to make a nerikomi block that will later get sliced and diced for the nerikomi work. Students will also learn how to make color clay.
1-3pm: While our nerikomi blocks set up for the next day, Tig Tucker will lead students on a more expressive version of nerikomi and neriage. Students will work with slabs and play with colored clays.
10am-1pm: (making with nerikomi blocks and finishing tips): Each student will have the opportunity to work with a stoneware nerikomi block (pre-prepared) and their own nerikomi block (prepared the first day). Students can make a platter and a cup from these blocks. Julia will demo cutting from the slab, slab building a cup, and making a platter in a slump or hump mold. She will also show students how to make different kinds of lines and patterns with the nerikomi blocks. Finally, students will also be taught how to take special care of the nerikomi work during the drying stage.
1pm-3pm: To finish up the workshop, students will learn a couple of more tips and tricks from Tig on nerikomi and neriage. She will finish up the workshop by discussing how to glaze nerikomi work to bring out all of its fabulousness.