Community Agreements
Please take time to read through each of these agreements and policies and make sure they align with your values and that you are willing to be accountable to them. We are accountable to each other.
We treat one another with respect and kindness
We ask everyone in the community to extend to others the patience, open-mindedness, and kindness that you, yourself, would want to receive. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
We support creativity
Our varying forms of expression are a reflection of who we are as individuals. There is nothing new under the sun, and we are all learning together. Therefore, we do not judge one another’s creative expressions, we do not compete with each other, and we support each other's creative processes. We will ceaselessly endeavour to celebrate each other and learn from each other.
We support one another.
We believe in a sharing culture, one that is collaborative and open. We ask our community to commit to supporting each other in a non-competitive atmosphere, sharing information and knowledge.
We are committed to equity.
We endeavor to cultivate an atmosphere that is equitable. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. This includes, but is not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and classism.
We value our space by caring for it.
There is value in walking into a space that is loved and cared for, clean, and intentional. As we take care of our own well-being, we ask you to care of the space as well. As much as we value our community, may we express it in the care we exhibit towards it.
By being a member of the community, you agree to the above. Any violation of the Community Agreements may result in reminders, warnings, or, in extreme or repetitive behavior, termination of your access to the community.